Thursday, July 22, 2010

Picture Update!

So I just got my camera back from the Russian camera shop and it works! Who knew they could fix it!? For only 1,100 rubles no less (that's a little over $30)! So since I have been a little MIA with posting photos, here are a bunch of pictures from the past two weeks.... my friend Bayleigh's 21st birthday, the bonfire we did with the new group, my trip to Kostroma and the moose farm and some pictures from around Yaroslavl and my placement this week. Enjoy!!

Me, Bayleigh and Jen before we went out in Yaroslavl for Bayleigh's 21st birthday...

Lena, me, Asya, Sveta and Jen out for Bayleigh's birthday..
Bayleigh and I in Yaroslavl during her birthday party...
Bayleigh and Jen at the bonfire
Making the fire - good thing we've got guys in the Army!
Outside one of the churches in Kostroma. Women have to cover their heads in Russian Orthodox Churches, so I'm channeling Jackie O a little bit in this one
Onion domes of the church...
Inside the church... it was completely covered with icons and gold..
and the ceiling and walls were all painted..
Me feeding a moose!
baby mooses...
the landscape around the moose farm... typical Russian countryside
entrance to moose farm...
Typical post-Soviet era apartment buildings around Yaroslavl - this is the type of housing most people live in. You don't see a lot of free-standing homes here (or in Russian cities in general)
Soviet era apartment building... there are LOTS of these buildings still around and most are falling apart
The kids at the city camp I've worked with (different than children's shelter). These kids come from low-income families or from orphanages during the summer for free summer camps

My group at School #45

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